- recognizing, valuing, nurturing and expanding the competency, curiosity, creativity and kindness of young children;
- promoting caring, responsive, knowledgeable teachers to move forward in their work with joy, engaging with both heart and mind;
- holding relationship, reflection, intentionality and play essential to the learning experience;
- supporting families with new opportunities for meaningful, authentic involvement in their children’s learning and life success;
- honoring, uncovering and giving voice to multiple perspectives –families, teachers, administrators and especially the children themselves;
- advocating for and supporting ourselves and others to engage in values based work in all that we do.
Working with young children
and their families is vital and important work.
Side by Side honors and supports, this valuable work. Professional learning opportunities are designed to inspire early childhood professionals to utilize and expand their knowledge and abilities through hands-on and personalized learning experiences.
Learning opportunities can be designed for teachers, administrators, family child care providers, early childhood mental health consultants and more –individually, for classrooms, programs or agency wide.
Consultation services that support this work:
Reflective, engaging and participatory workshops and staff meetings;
Individual coaching and mentoring;
Conference presentations;
Community of Practice facilitation.
Learning Stories
introduction and implementation support.
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Sample topics include:
o power of play and ‘playce’
o celebrating children’s competence
o loose parts - indoors and out
o holistic development and integrated curriculum o designing intriguing, nurturing learning environments;
o considering and reconsidering routines and transitions
o engaging families
o the essential role of risk taking
o Learning Stories and ‘Family Strengthening’ – promoting ‘Protective Factors’
What are you interested in?
I look forward to working on your ideas, needs and questions.
Along with exciting new research and innovative ideas, the last 20 years have brought an avalanche of regulatory standards and expectations. For administrators and teachers alike, it can be overwhelming, frustrating and difficult to meet these demands without losing sight of ‘what matters most’.
Don’t let the report-data collection-regulatory mandates ‘tail’ wag the dog! Side by side services can assist you with some of these standard assessments and reports and, more importantly, can help you identify and develop an infrastructure that lets you keep ‘what matters most’ at the forefront of what you do.
Consultation services that support this work:
Facilitating development of your program’s shared, guiding values; engaging staff, families, and stakeholders in this foundational process
Evaluating and assisting development of policies and protocols that are congruent with program values
Observation and assessment using standard assessment tools (i.e CLASS, PAS, BAS, ERS); providing summary reports and professional development
follow up
Supporting NAEYC
Accreditation process
Guiding design process for outdoor play environments
and more!
I welcome your ideas and am excited to explore new topics and other ways I can support your program.
Family Support
Families want the very best for their children. They bring unique knowledge, insight and strengths to parenting and also benefit from support and encouragement to realize their hopes. Early childhood professionals have the opportunity to provide this support within the context of the relationships they build with the families they serve.
Side by Side can work with your program or agency, or individually, to strengthen the family education, support and engagement you provide. We also enjoy working directly with families in workshops, family education meetings and support group settings.
A sample of possible topics:
Your Amazing Infant - Supporting babies’ competency – a peek at brain development and why love matters.
Read Me a Story - Why, How and What to read with your child;
Discipline and the Developing Child – considering ages, stages and the learning experiences of behavior challenges;
Introducing the Learning Power of Children- an observation-based conversation highlighting children’s competence;
Learning Stories for Families- a hands on workshop that introduces parents to the joys of sharing their knowledge of their child’s strengths through creating engaging learning story ‘portfolios’ at home;
Power of Play – Considering how to support rich play experiences and understanding the learning they promote;
And more!